Feed a Starving Child in Syria

Feed a Starving Child in Syria


Raised so far

  • About

Almost ten years into the conflict in Syria, the situation has become unbearable. Airstrikes have destroyed buildings, hospitals and homes leading to thousands of people losing their lives, as thousands of others remain trapped, searching for a way to survive. Syrian children are living in the world's most dangerous place to be a child and have suffered unimaginable violations. 2.6 million children have been forcibly displaced. In Northwest Syria alone, 26,720 children are acutely malnourished; malnutrition has become a silent killer inside Syria.

Our team on the ground continue to work hard to support children that don't have access to food, clothing, and medication. This includes a medical analysis, necessary supplies, food rations with a weekly follow up with each child for three months. This treatment plan will support children to get back on their feet.

Be a hero and help us save lives.

The cost of full treatment per child is £300.